These Mini Lemon Flower Tarts are perfect for any Spring celebration, including a Mother's Day Brunch!

These two-ingredient mini lemon tarts are super simple and make a stunning presentation for any Spring gathering. We loved them for Easter brunch and think they would be a stunning addition to your Mother's Day celebration!
Mini Lemon Flower Tarts Recipe
1 box Ready-to-Bake roll-out pie crusts
1 can lemon creme (We used a can of Duncan Hines lemon creme found in the baking section)
powdered sugar, optional
Set your pie crust out, to become room temperature. Preheat your oven to 450F.
Once your dough is room temp, roll it out and cut flower shapes out of it with this flower cookie cutter. 1 pie crust makes about 7 flowers, plan accordingly.
Tuck each pie flower down into the mini cupcake pan, being sure to press them down into the bottom well, and gently fold the petals back around the top of the cupcake pan.
Give the bottom and sides a few pokes with a fork.
Bake for 5-6 minutes. 5 minutes was the sweet spot for me but your oven might be slightly different.
Gently remove the flowers and let them cool for a few minutes on a wire rack.
Spoon the lemon creme into a plastic baggie and cut the tip off. Pipe the lemon creme into the center of the mini flowers.
Refrigerate for a few hours or until ready to serve.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired before serving. I tilted my flowers so that the powdered sugar got on the petals and not the pretty yellow filling.

These would be a sweet treat to serve for a Mother’s Day Brunch! Moms always love flowers and they would make such a pretty presentation. These sweet lemon tarts would even be great for a baby or wedding shower or even a tea party or any celebration really!
They are so pretty and bite-sized!

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